Options set on the Options page act globally. They can be overridden on individual sliders.
Global Activator Button Settings
Customize the buttons that activate the tabbed overlays.
- Button Spacing: Set amount of space between each button in the default button array location. Does not affect buttons places with shortcode or on the sidebar.
- Opacity: Change button opacity in the default array location. Does not affect buttons places with shortcode or on the sidebar.
- Position: Default button array position. This can be any of the four corners of your pages. Individual buttons in your array can be styled with CSS, if you wish to separate them into different corners. You cam also control padding for the button array here.
- Colors: Set global colors for all buttons.
Global Slider Options
Customize all of the sliders on your website.
- Mobile Navigation: Mobile navigation can be activated for mobile displays by unchecking this option. It is useful if you have a large number of widgets or long widget titles.
- Include Titles: Enable or disable widget titles on sliders, within your content panel area.
- Dynamic Arrows: Enable or disable navigation arrows on sliders.
- Show Tabs: Enable or disable widget tabs on sliders.
Frontend Customization
Customize your website frontend to better integrate the plugin.
- Main Navigation: You can optionally hide traditional navigation on your website, if you have it included in a slider.
- Main Search Field: You can optionally hide traditional search field on your website, if you have it included in a slider.
- Page Wrapper ID: Manually define page wrapper ID for animation compatibility, if it is other than #page.
Additional Options
Other available options.
- CSS Styles: Include any custom CSS styles here.